
How to choose metal jewelry processing necklace?

Teach you how to pick collar: thin face and neck slender woman, wearing a single string short collar, the face will not look too thin, the neck will not appear too long.
Face round and neck short-thick woman, it is best to wear slender collar, if the collar center has a prominent large pendant, the role will be very good.
Elliptical face of the woman best to wear medium-length collar, this collar in the neck form an oval shape, can be very good to foil the face of the beautiful summary. Neck beautiful woman can wear a short collar with a fall, outstanding neck beautiful.
On the selection of collars, the offer is not the primary factor, no matter what kind of style, with age, color, clothing with harmony is the primary.
In general, people on the age to pick the texture of the fine, technically sophisticated gold, jewelry processing to teach you how to pick collar: platinum collar is good; and young people should use good texture color, style new collar better. Such as hardware, pearl necklace and so on.
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